===USING 3-D BODY ADVENTURE============================================== This section explains how to use each of the 3-D Body Adventure activities. There is no "right" way to play with 3-D Body Adventure. You decide when, where, and how you want to travel from screen to screen. Just remember: You're on an adventure, so you may not always end up where you thought you were going! Where to find more information: If you have not yet installed and started 3-D Body Adventure, see How do I install the program? for instructions. Also see Appendix B: Questions and Answers. SOME BASICS Keep your 3-D glasses handy: When you are viewing three-dimensional images in 3-D Body Adventure, put on your 3-D glasses and make sure you are about two to five feet away from your computer monitor. It's OK to be closer than two feet, but the 3-D effect won't be as pronounced. Relax your eyes and blink a few times. At first, it may look as if you are seeing double, but as you relax your eyes, the double images will fuse together into a fully three-dimensional image. If everything goes right, the 3-D image will begin to appear as if it is hovering outside of the monitor. Move your head from side to side and it may seem as if the image in the computer is moving or that you are seeing different views of the image. Move the mouse: There are three different ways to move your mouse. Moving the mouse may cause the arrow pointer tomove around the screen. It may cause an object on the screen to move back and forth or rotate. Or it may change your view so that it seems as if you are moving along with the mouse. Don't worry if the pointer suddenly disappears--this is normal when you are beginning a different 3-D Body Adventure activity. If you want to click on an item but you do not see the pointer, simply click your mouse button and the pointer will reappear. What if I don't have a mouse? If you do not have a mouse, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the pointer (if any) around on the screen and press in place of clicking the mouse button. You can also press to move the pointer to each button on the screen in turn; press to cycle backward through the buttons. If there is a dialog box on the screen, pressing or will move the pointer only to those buttons in the dialog box. Note balloons: Many of the items on the 3-D Body Adventure screen are labeled with "note balloons" that appear whenever the pointer touches that spot on the screen. If you want to know more about an item on the screen, move the pointer around that area to see if there is a note balloon to read. Turn off the sound: If you want to turn off a sound as it is playing, press . To set music to "off," press . Press again to turn the music back on. To set narration and other sounds to "off," press . Press again to turn the narration and other sounds back on. What if I get lost? If you're not sure how you got to a certain place and would rather be somewhere else, look for the 3-D Body Adventure logo and click on it to return to the Main menu. If there is no pointer on the screen, click your mouse button so that the pointer reappears. What can I do? The first still screen you'll see when you start 3-D Body Adventure is the Main menu. Click on the panel in the center of the screen to go to the Body Reference, where you can play with three-dimensional models and read about the human body. Click on the console in the lower left corner of the screen to play the Emergency game, which challenges your navigational skills on the computer and your knowledge of the human body. Click on the console in the bottom center of the screen to play a matching game called Body Recall, which teaches you about body parts and tests your memory. Click on the console at the right of the screen to play movies about the human body. BODY REFERENCE There is a large picture window on the left side of the Body Reference screen which shows either a full body or torso that can be rotated. To its right is a smaller picture window, which shows additional images of body parts. The text in the window below the small picture window goes along with the images shown. On either side of the title box below the small picture window and along the bottom of the screen are control buttons, which provide program options. Large picture window Manipulate the image: Move your mouse left and right or use the left and right arrow keys to rotate the image in the large picture window. If you are using the CD-ROM version of 3-D Body Adventure, you can also move your mouse up and down or use the up and down arrow keys to view the body at different levels of depth. Choose a body part to examine: Click your mouse button or press any key to make the pointer reappear and then click on a part of the body that you'd like to examine. That body part will appear in the small picture window. Small picture window Manipulate the image: Move your mouse or use the arrow keys to manipulate the image in the small picture window. View related pictures: Click your mouse button or press any key to make the pointer reappear. Then move the pointer around in the small picture window and read the note balloons to get more information about the image shown. Click on a note balloon to see a different picture and related text. Text window Read all about it: Click on the single up and down arrow buttons below the text window to scroll the window so you can read all the text. The text will scroll as long as you hold down the mouse button, and will stop scrolling when you release the mouse button. To scroll quickly one page at a time, click on the double arrow buttons below the text window or press or , and click on the center rectangle button below the text window to go to full-screen text mode. Look for more information: To go to the Body Reference index, click on a word in the text window that interests you. The text window will change to display an index of words used in the Body Reference and the screens in which they appear, with the word you chose (or a similar word) at the top of the window. From the index, you can click on the name of the screen you want to visit, or press or click on the Previous Image button to return the text window to its previous display. To move forward or backward in the index one page at a time, click on the single up and down arrow buttons below the text window. To scroll quickly to the next word in the index that has a different second letter, click on the double down arrow button below the text window. Similarly, to scroll to the previous word in the index that has a different second letter, click on the double up arrow button. NOTE: To get to a specific word in the Body Reference index as quickly as possible, just start typing the word! Control buttons The buttons on either side of the title box below the small picture window perform the functions described below. Go back the way you came: Click on the Previous Image button to the left of the title box or press to travel to the image you visited last. Each time you click on it, you'll travel back one more picture. Look up a topic: Click on the Index button to the right of the title box and then click on the first letter of the word you want to look up in the Body Reference index. See the paragraph, "Look for more information," on the previous page for details about how to use the Body Reference index. The row of buttons below the picture window perform the functions described below. Rotate the body: Click on the Rotate Body button to change the image in the body window to a full body and then use your mouse or the arrow keys to rotate it. If the full body image is already shown in the picture window and the pointer is available, click on the Rotate Body button and you will again be able to rotate the image using your mouse or the arrow keys. Rotate the torso: Click on the Rotate Torso button to change the image in the picture window to a torso and then use your mouse or the arrow keys to rotate it. If the torso image is already shown in the picture window and the pointer is available, click on the Rotate Torso button and you will again be able to rotate the image using your mouse or the arrow keys. Rotate the object: If there is an image of an object in the picture window and the pointer is available, click on the Rotate Object button and you will again be able to rotate the image using your mouse or the arrow keys. The rotate object button alternates with the restart narration button. Clicking on the speaker icon will restart the narration. Return to the Main menu: When you have finished with the Body Reference, click on the 3-D Body Adventure logo to return to the Main menu. Try another view: Click on the 3-D glasses button, when available, to see a three-dimensional view of the body part in the picture window. Don't forget to put on your 3-D glasses! Take a closer look: Click on the Enlarge Image button, when available, to see a large-screen view of the current image. This button will appear gray when no close-up images are available. Print the text: Click on the Print Text button to send the contents of the text window to your attached printer that accepts ASCII text. EMERGENCY GAME The object of this game is to cure the patient of an illness by identifying the body part involved and acting quickly to eradicate the problem. Your mission begins in a room with a picture of the patient, a diagnostic information console, and a picture of a virtual medical unit. Click first on the picture of the patient and then on the diagnostic information console to get background information about what is wrong with the patient. After obtaining this information, click on the virtual medical unit to enter the body maze. Once inside the maze, you must travel as quickly as you can to the diseased organ and click on the pathogens (viruses, cholesterol plaques, etc.), to eliminate them. Be careful not to click on the normal cells as this will cost you valuable time. If you fail to save the patient in time, you are returned to the starting room where you can try the case once again. Exit: When you have finished with this activity, there are 3 ways to exit. 1) click on the Exit sign in the main hallway or 2) press the key at any point (the first time will stop the sound and the second time will display a dialog box asking whether you want to exit the game) or 3) press , at any point to return to the Main Menu. Traveling hints: You'll find that moving around in this game is different from the rest of 3-D Body Adventure. As you move your mouse, it will appear as if you are moving through the maze yourself. Use your mouse to navigate down hallways and around corners. This takes a little practice. You will find that you often need to pick the mouse up and move it closer to you to keep going. Push the mouse diagonally (to the left or right) to change directions. You might prefer to use the arrow keys at times: Press the left arrow key to turn left, press the right arrow key to turn right, press the up arrow key to move forward, and press the down arrow key to move backward. Once you are moving in the proper direction, press <+> to accelerate (move faster) and <-> to decelerate (move slower). BODY RECALL The object of this game is to match the pictures of body parts with their names or descriptions of their functions. Click on two of the 12 blank buttons. If they do not match, the blank buttons will be restored. If they do match, the button will change to show an image of the body part that you can manipulate. Move your mouse or use the arrow keys to manipulate the image. When you have finished examining the body part, click your mouse button or press any key to make the pointer reappear so you can resume the game. When you have found all six matches in the first level, there are still two more levels of the Body Recall game for you to try. When you have finished with this activity, click on the 3-D Body Adventure logo at the bottom of the screen to return to the Main menu. BODY ADVENTURE MOVIES Once you have entered the Body Adventure theater by clicking on the movie console on the Main menu, you will see five thumbnail images at the bottom of the screen. Click on the image from the movie you'd like to see. Click on the left and right arrow buttons on the screen to see thumbnail views of additional movies. To stop a movie before it is finished, click your mouse button or press . When you have finished with this activity, click on the 3-D Body Adventure logo to return to the Main menu. EXIT End your session : To exit from 3-D Body Adventure, click on the Exit button on the Main menu or press or .